“Every unpunished murder takes away something from the security of every man's life” ~Daniel Webster

Saturday, April 2, 2011

A Few Questions

This week, we're trying to find anyone who ever helped with Ricky Lenn Dyer, Jr.'s case to find out what's been done, what needs to be done, and why there continue to be so many unanswered questions.

The Dyer family would like a complete and fair re-investigation into his death.  They'd like - they need - their questions answered.   They'd like to know why Ricky would cash his check before allegedly killing himself. They'd like to know why he'd pay his rent in advance if he knew there was no eventual need. They'd like to know how there was blood found in the doorjamb if the door was closed. They'd like to know why it's been claimed he showered and changed at home only to get into the car and throw the very clothes he changed out of into the trunk.  They'd like to know why was there a shell on the ground outside the car?  They'd like to know how the roommate knew what was playing in the car if he had not been in the car at the time. They'd like to know why there was a pool of blood inside the shotgun.  They'd like to know why Ricky's cigarette burns weren't investigated.  They'd like to know if Dungeons and Dragons has anything to do with his death.  They'd like to know why the sheriff is so sure this was a suicide.

There are way too many questions, but you get the gist.

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